The 2024 Daniel Singer Prize
The 2024 Daniel Singer Prize of US$10K was awarded to Taras Bilous, author of “The War in Ukraine, International Security, and the Left,” published in Commons No. 13 (Ukraine 2023) and by New Politics in the United States. Bilous is a historian-journalist, an activist in Social Movement, and has served in the Ukrainian armed forces since the Russian invasion.
Two runners-up also received prizes of US$5K each: Olena Lyubchenko for “On the Frontier of Whiteness? Expropriation, War and Social Reproduction in Ukraine,” published in LeftEast; and Volodymyr Ishchenko for “Ukrainian Voices,” published in New Left Review No. 138.
All three authors spoke at a September 1, 2024, panel at the Socialism Conference in Chicago, titled “Between Two Fires: Left Perspectives on the War on Ukraine.”
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There was no prize in the years 2019 through 2023.
2018: Sarah Mason, “High Score, Low Pay: Why the Gig Economy Loves Gamification”
2017: Cedric Johnson, “The Panthers Can’t Save Us Now”
2016: Sarah Leonard, “My Generation’s Best Chance is Socialism”
Glenn Greenwald, “Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit.”
There was no winner in 2014 or 2015.
2013: James Kilgore, “On Returning to Where the Heart Is.”
There was no winner in 2012.
2011: Richard Swift, “Preparing the Ground.”
2010: Sheila Cohen, “Starting Over From Scratch: A Plea for ‘Radical Reform’ of Our Movement.”
2009: Salvador Aguilar, “Socialism in the 21st Century World.”
2008: Margaret Morganroth Gullette, “The Contagion of Euphoria.”
Hugh Radice, “1968 and the Idea of Socialism.”
2007: Arthur Mitzman, “The Eco-Socialist Challenge.”
There was no winner in 2006.
2005: Daniel Finn, “Sustaining Equality and Justice in the Struggle for Socialism.”
2004: Andrew Blackman, “Anti-Capitalism & the Terrain of Social Justice.”
There was no winner in 2003.
2002: Staughton Lynd, “Students and Workers in the Transition to Socialism.
2001: Sam Gindin, “Anti-Capitalism and the Terrain of Social Justice.”